11 Beautiful YA Covers I Must Have

Everyone says don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but when the covers are this beautiful, it’s hard not to. I’m a photographer and graphic designer, so I absolutely love covers that are well done and, if they’re a series, cohesive. Today were taking a look at the ones that I believe are the best covers I’ve seen so far. I wish I had all of these in physical book form so that they could be featured on my Bookstagram all day, every day. But, alas, I only own one currently. My wallet would be weeping if I tried to buy them all haha.

The Heir

There’s something about a girl in a beautiful dress that just automatically draws my eye. This is the fourth book (technically), and I did like the first three covers, but I think this one is my favorite overall. Funny enough, the final book is actually my least favorite cover. But, this hasn’t stopped me from putting the entire box set on my Amazon wishlist.




I love the simplicity in this design. The barcode sets the tone for a dystopian type of society, and that tagline immediately made me pick up the book. It is still one of my top books today. I should really read it again sometime… (meanwhile my TBRs that I haven’t touched are weeping in the corner)



Red Queen

I feel like white is not a very popular cover color choice, but here it just works out beautifully. The crown is on full display, and the fact that it’s upside down and the blood pouring over it says to me that this will not be the fairytale that most stories featuring royalty are. Also, both the books and the covers get darker as they go along, so I’m extremely excited to see the cover for and read the fourth installment!



The Cinderella parallel here is unavoidable, and yet at the same time the robotic foot tells me that there is a huge twist to the traditional narrative. I actually put off this series for several years at first, but then as soon as I finally picked up the first book, it immediately went on my favorites of all time.



Zero Day

There are so many good components in this cover. The American flag pattern is perfect for the subject matter, and then there’s all the little hidden messages in the coding throughout the rest of the cover.






This is actually the redesigned cover for this book, and thank goodness it got a new cover because the first was atrocious! This one portrays the book’s vibes so much better with the colorful background and the beautiful typography.





As with the previous, this cover was not the original work. I didn’t really care for the first one, but it wasn’t too bad. True, the eye doesn’t particularly connect with the storyline here but I love the way that it looks when the series is all paired together. I’ve only read the first book, I should really get to the others soon…




This book is literally sitting on my bedside table, just waiting to be read. That is, if I could actually stop the rest of my life and just spend hours reading. But, that’s besides the point. I love the city in the bottle instead of a ship in the bottle, and I also can’t wait to read the sequel to this!




I don’t know what it is about this one, but I just love the cover. The typography with the title, dragging the ‘x’ across the whole cover, makes for a good point of interest. The green/blue/red contrast is a color combo not often seen, so that’s also part of the reason why it might stand out to me.




All the typography! Typography is my favorite form of art. Nothing against people book covers, but there is just so much more space for expression on covers like this. I love the detailing in the feather, I just want to keep it and read this book forever!




Chasing Ella_front cover_for promo use only.2

This final cover just got revealed in one of my recent posts, and I adore the typeface as well as the girl modeling on the front. I could honestly do without the guy, he seems a bit awkward, but I love the girl’s hair and mask.




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  1. I definitely aggree with some of these. Especially Cinder. I think all of the Lunar Chronicles have amazing covers. Same with Red Queen.

    But, if I may suggest so, try looking at ink by Alice Broadway. Or the Nevernight / Godsgrave uk cover (kerby Rosanes is amazing) uff. There’s just so many prett ones



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